
Archive for February 8, 2008

Marcus Banks: Forgotten Man

February 8, 2008 Comments off

Marcus Banks + Ronald McDonaldMarion, Marion, Marion. Who’s gonna love up on Arthur LaMarcus Banks? Will ALB just be a footnote in NBA history?

For a team like the Heat, who trots out anyone and everyone they can just to get the regulation 5 warm, moving bodies on the court, Marcus Banks might be a good get, too. The forgotten man in the Shaq-for-Shawn Marion trade, he’s the kind of guy a losing team needs: willing to put up a lot of shots, sturdy, not a lot of miles on him, a guy with something to prove. His season in Minnesota was decent, and since, he hasn’t logged a lot of minutes. Then again, he did play with (the infamous) Ricky Davis before, so he might be ruined, shot-jacking goods.

Categories: pro basketball, Sports

LSU Coach John Brady fired

February 8, 2008 Comments off

John Brady sidelineJohn Brady’s teams had underperformed at LSU, especially post-Big Baby Glen Davis and Tyrus Thomas, and the fans had been calling for his job for a while now. According to ESPN, he’ll coach Saturday’s game and hand the job over to assistant Butch Pierre on an interim basis. His 10-year tenure is over. Possible replacements are listed by both foxsports and cbssportsline as:

– VCU’s Anthony Grant (the hot coach of the season, along with Sean Miller)
– Ole Miss’ Andy Kennedy (can he switch jobs in conference? Isn’t there a rule against that?),
– and USC’s Tim Floyd (who has roots in New Orleans, but why would he leave LA).

I like Jeff Goodman, but this post seems a little harsh on the man.

Then again, apparently John Brady used a bottle rocket to crash the Hindenburg, so maybe it’s deserving. The people at the Fire John Brady website obviously think so.